Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hello Cyber World!

I've officially been inspired by all of you who share your exciting lives with those of us out in the cyber world. You know who you are so I won't bore the rest of the world with mentioning you all but please know that I take my inspiration from those of you who can express their thoughts out here in the cyber world in such a cool way. So cool that I wanted to imitate you! And as you know, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!

So, as I listen to my 4 month old son babble away to Matt Lauer (shh, don't tell Wes that Matt isn't really in the room with us!), I hope to start something that will serve both as a means to keep up with friends and family all over the world but also as a place for me to babble on endless. As I've discovered in my 32 long years, it's cute when the baby babbles on and on, not so much when Mom does it. unfair...


Erin said...

Yo, dawg!
So excited you've started a blog. I had fun doing it for awhile, but since I can't really blog about what I want to blog about (school and how much it sucks) and I don't have kids, I didn't have much to say! Have fun!
Love ya-

momof6 said...

I am so excited to get to follow you and your family. Blogging makes people seem closer.

Tonya said...

Thanks girls! I'm muy excited about my blog too!!