So I left Maya in the playroom for a few minutes while I was off doing something, surely being productive. Ha! Anyway, I rounded the corner and what did I see? A whole fleet of Barbies!! See...
Holy cow! How many Barbie dolls does this kid have? Are they multiplying at night when we aren't looking? Nope, only one Ken doll. So I must actually be purchasing these dolls for her. Oh man...don't tell Dad! And the scary thought is that these are just the ones in the play room...what's hiding in her room?!?! So, we've got a Barbie problem here at our house. Do I call an exterminator? Nope, I think I just let her play away...
...which leads me to my next thought. And this is where I begin to wonder if airing all my weird thoughts is a good thing or not?!?! But anyway, honest to goodness, my next thought was about my...home owners insurance. Yes, insurance. Now follow me here...both times I've bought a home we've had to get home owners insurance. Ok? Ok. When filling out the paperwork to get said insurance they always ask about valuables inside the home, i.e. jewels, furs, stocks, know, all those things that 30-somethings have in abundance. And they always want to up our coverage based on how many of these valuables we have and I always answer that we don't really have too much. Honestly, my main jewels are in my wedding ring and hopefully they are always on me. But here's where I get back around to Barbie...just gazing at that picture what do you think I've spent on Barbies?!??! I don't know...8, 9 thousand?!?! Ok, maybe not that much but A LOT!!!!!!!!! I want insurance on our Barbies!! Now there is something that would definitely need to be replaced if the house goes up in flames tomorrow!! Insure our Barbies State Farm!!!!!!! Dare ya!! Ok, so maybe in the morning I'm going to have to start researching a new home owners policy.......